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The Ultimate Guide to Retention for Shopify Stores


Provide more rewarding experiences wherever your members are shopping.

57% of Internet users buy something online at least once a week. This means there’s a strong chance that your in-store shoppers are also quite happy to buy online. How do you make sure you get the greatest possible share of their digital wallet? An omnichannel loyalty program, of course! It’s super-important that customers can consistently earn points and redeem rewards wherever they’re shopping. Keep reading to find out more. 

Your omnichannel loyalty checklist

  • Integrate your activity rules and rewards with Shopify POS so customers can engage with your loyalty program in-store as well as online.
  • Use the Shopify cart extension to ensure in-store staff can see all available loyalty rewards at a glance.
  • Integrate loyalty data into your helpdesk so customers receive more personalized assistance when they have problems.

Best Practice

Follow the best practices below to achieve the smoothest omnichannel shopping experiences

Motivate in-store shoppers to engage online

In-store buyers are important, but you can’t be sure when they will next walk past your store or be in your part of town. That’s why you must encourage in-person shoppers to connect with you online, too. 

We recommend visibly promoting your loyalty program in-store so customers feel motivated to sign up. Once they do, you have their email address and can kick off the loyalty sequences discussed in the Email and SMS section of this guide. 

This also allows you to ensure that in-store shoppers can engage with you outside of online purchases. Remind them that they can earn points for social media likes and shares to increase the chances of staying top of mind and keeping in touch with them across those channels too. 

Shopify Guide Images Omnichannel V2 Points For Joining

Promote loyalty within the checkout

In-store, sales associates can remind customers what rewards are available and encourage them to redeem them. However, it’s important to do exactly the same thing online.

Ensure that customers who have earned points shopping in-store can easily find their points balance online. You can also help them to understand how far away they are from a reward and what they would need to do to unlock one.

We also recommend that you make it easier for customers to redeem seamlessly by ensuring they can see their available rewards - and easily apply them - within the checkout. 

Shopify Guide Images Omnichannel V2 Rewards

Embed loyalty into your app

This ensures that app users are just as likely to engage with your loyalty program as website shoppers. Remember - redeeming loyalty program members purchase 2.75 times more per year, so increasing program engagement across every channel is key to driving customer lifetime value and growth.

Integrating your loyalty program with your app also reduces your reliance on email and SMS, as you can use push notifications to let people know they have available rewards or that they have moved up or down a loyalty tier. 

Shopify Guide Images Omnichannel V2 App Push

Top tip

Incentivize in-store shoppers for reviews

App and mobile shoppers have to wait for the product to arrive before they can check that they’re happy with it and leave a review. In-store shoppers won’t have bought the item unless they love it. To collect more reviews and user-generated content, ensure your in-store shoppers are continually made aware that they can earn additional loyalty points if they head online to leave a review.


Explore the most effective omnichannel strategies

We can have one loyalty program that serves all of our customer databases both online and within brick and mortar. The same program allows customers to earn and redeem rewards whether they are new and one-time purchasers, long-term subscribers, or customers that visit our retail locations.


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