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Lead your business to greater growth with our loyalty and retention checklists

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Marketer or Founder? We’ve got your back.

With our checklists, you can ask yourself the hard questions you need to answer to prove that retention is the game-changing strategy to introduce to your business this year.

Marketer checklist

  • Are you seeing ad costs continually increase? If your acquisition budget is not performing as well as it used to, then it’s time to consider boosting the ROI on acquisition spending by increasing customer lifetime value.
  • Is your email engagement declining? If you’re seeing lower open and clickthrough rates, higher unsubscribes, or stalled mailing list growth, the increased personalization you’ll get from loyalty data could make a real difference.
  • Are your social audiences growing? If you’re trying to grow new audiences on channels such as TikTok then loyalty incentives could significantly increase your following.
  • Are you generating enough reviews? If you’d like to see conversion rates higher than they are, then you need more reviews. Incentivizing customers to leave reviews will leave you with more UGC to use on product pages and ads
  • Do all your promotions include discounts? If your go-to promotion is a discount, then you’re needlessly eroding your profit margins. A loyalty program could significantly reduce your reliance on discounts.

Ready to talk to us about a retention strategy for your store?

Founder checklist

  • Does your team keep asking for more acquisition budget? If the same ways you used to acquire new customers are costing more and more, then it’s time to look at increasing customer lifetime value instead.
  • Have you already invested in email and SMS platforms? By adding loyalty data to the mix to drive greater personalization, you could significantly increase the ROI on your existing tech spend.
  • Are you investing in product development? The most cost-effective audience to test new products with is your existing customer base. Plus, they’re also the most willing to give you feedback.
  • Are your competitors stealing your customers? If you can’t beat your competitors on price, then it’s time to invest in beating them on a customer experience shoppers can’t help but be loyal to.
  • Are you connecting with your customers as a Founder? We’re sure there’s a great story behind your brand. A story that could help you sell more products and secure greater customer loyalty. However, to connect with customers, you need to find ways to tell that story effectively. Enter a loyalty program.

Ready to talk to us about a retention strategy for your store?

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