Notifications prompt engagement

Notifications are on-site messages designed to drive engagement.

Whether you’re looking to grow market share, increase loyalty membership, or optimize on-page conversion there’s a Notification for you.

Notifications prompt engagement

Best time to notify?

There are a few key moments in a customer’s journey where we encourage using Notifications.

Pre-purchase Notifications are a function of CRO and have a more immediate impact by increasing program engagement from your existing loyal members.

Post-purchase Notifications help you build and engage a bigger community. Promoting non-transactional ways for members to engage with your brand while developing brand affection that brings them back repeatedly.

Both pre and post-purchase Notifications reliably drive month-on-month revenue growth.

Increase Referrals Post-Purchase Campaign by LoyaltyLion

What are Notifications?

From new arrivals to returning customers, you can influence consumer behavior through on-site Notifications. There are two LoyaltyLion Notifications available for everyone to implement:

Earn points

Let shoppers know how many new points they’ve earned based on the activity they completed.

Welcome new visitors

Inform customers of your amazing loyalty program. Help them to sign-up effortlessly.

What are Enhanced Notifications?

For sellers looking to further develop their engagement strategy there are three Enhanced Notifications you can implement on your site:

Loyalty engagement notifications: Notification set up options

Setting up Notifications

Using Notifications you can let shoppers know what you want them to do. Deliver personalized experience to drive higher program engagement.

Set up Notifications from within the Manage section of your LoyaltyLion Dashboard.

Check out our Pricing page for plan availability and other awesome features you can use alongside Notifications.

Wondering how to implement Notifications successfully?