Register for the ultimate virtual loyalty and retention event - Loyalty Connect Register now

The #1 loyalty platform for Shopify stores

Increase your repeat purchase rate by up to 6x

83% of customers are motivated to return to a brand by loyalty points and rewards

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Build an engaging loyalty program to increase repeat purchases, drive brand loyalty and grow your store’s revenue

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A fully-customized loyalty program for your Shopify store

Increase repeat purchases with an on-brand program that integrates with your Shopify store as a natural part of your customer journey.

1200x900 Repeat Purchase


Increase loyalty program engagement with more ways to earn points

Allow customers to earn points for both on and offsite activities – from purchases to reviews, referrals and social media interactions. Points can be exchanged for vouchers, gift cards or custom rewards such as free products or shipping, and even charitable rewards.

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Personalize your email and SMS communications

Use your loyalty data to create personalized messages that perform 4x better than other marketing comms. We integrate with all the leading email and SMS providers on Shopify, as well as review platforms, helpdesk and subscription platforms.

1200x900 Insights


Identify and reward your most valuable customers

Segment your customers according to their repeat purchase behaviors. Use those segments to convert more one-off shoppers into members, identify and reward your most loyal customers, and reach out to at-risk customers before they churn.



Use notifications to prompt program engagement

From new arrivals to returning customers, you can influence consumer behavior through on-site Notifications.

We’ll show you how to build real customer loyalty.

Take the first step and schedule a call to get demo and discuss your loyalty program. We’ll help move your existing customer data from an existing loyalty provider too!