The lion’s share: Sam Platt (Senior Loyalty Analyst)

This blog series gives insight into the day-to-day life of LoyaltyLion’s employees. We’ll look at members from all teams – diving into their roles and responsibilities – how they started their careers and what they do in their spare time.

So let’s meet Sam Platt, a LoyaltyLion Senior Loyalty Analyst.

What is your morning routine?

Before moving to London, I heard lots of horror stories about commuting to work. However, as LoyaltyLion’s first remote hire I haven’t actually had to do this yet. 

Instead, I begin my day around 8 am with an obnoxiously large pot of coffee and a book. Currently, I’m reading The Challenger Sale by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson. I enjoy this routine because it gives me time before work to think about my main focuses for the day and prioritize accordingly.

I would love to say I finish with a run and some yoga but my Mum might see this so I better keep it truthful!  

Why does what you do matter?

As a member of the Sales Team, my role includes a range of activities that drive revenue for LoyaltyLion. This includes arranging meetings for Senior Sales Reps and taking meetings with ecommerce merchants, for a start.

Being in the Sales Team means we are often the first conversation a merchant has with LoyaltyLion. It’s extremely rewarding being able to create a relationship with clients from the get-go and help them with their pain points.

How did you get the job?

Although I was LoyaltyLion’s first remote hire, I actually interviewed for the role in person back in February 2020. Prior to this, I was living at home in Sheffield and just signed a lease for a house in London with a couple of friends.

After a month of looking at job descriptions, I couldn’t find any roles or companies that I was interested in. Eventually, I came across LoyaltyLion through LinkedIn. After reading in-depth about the company and its mission statement, I knew I wanted to be involved. I knew I’d feel proud spending my day helping ecommerce merchants compete with the likes of Amazon.

After my initial phone interview, I was invited to the Hatton Garden office in London where I had conversations with three members of the Sales Team. This reaffirmed my desire to work at LoyaltyLion. 

Since starting 10 months ago, I’ve been promoted twice from Loyalty Executive to Senior Loyalty Analyst and I’m still enjoying it as much as my first day.

What does a typical day look like?

One of the best things about working at LoyaltyLion is that each day is often different from the one before. Some days I have three or four demos with merchants. Others, I have none which allows me to work on my pipeline and book calls.

My mornings are usually spent on tasks I have outlined the day before. This could be segmenting my list of prospects or prepping for an upcoming demo. I often have meetings with my team. For example, on Mondays, we have our weekly kick-off where we talk about our main focuses for the week and then we meet on Friday to discuss how these went. 

Working at LoyaltyLion gives me the freedom to explore new ideas in the way we work and ultimately begin implementing them. Recently this involved adapting the way the team works on their pipeline. This project resulted in us migrating platforms and doubling our conversion. Presenting new ideas like this to the team, and having them implemented, is what working here is all about!

How do you spend your evening?

Because of lockdown, my evenings look a bit different these days compared to before. Fortunately, before the restrictions began, I moved in with two of my best friends which means I always have good company.

A typical evening involves the three of us playing music (Country is making a comeback) whilst one of us cooks. We’ll watch football if there’s an exciting game on. Sadly Sheffield United isn’t playing well this season so we don’t do this often.

Currently, we’re making an effort to move away from watching TV every night. Instead, we often play cards and although it gets competitive, it’s a nice way to unwind.

What’s your proudest achievement at LoyaltyLion?

During the interview process, career progression at LoyaltyLion was highlighted and it was one of the many reasons I wanted to work here. After starting in a graduate role, I’m now a senior member of the Sales Development Representative team, which I take great pride in!

My work on the project which adapted the way my team approaches their day and pipeline is also something I’m proud of.

Tell us your favorite thing about LoyaltyLion.

My favorite thing about LoyaltyLion is getting genuine enjoyment out of my work. Since starting working, I have had a range of jobs in different places and none of them have come close to giving me the satisfaction I have in my role here.

At LoyaltyLion, I have plenty of freedom to work on what I find interesting and opportunities to develop new skills, all while contributing to our company goals. It’s a satisfying place to work.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining the company?

Now that we’re fully remote, it’s even more important to ask questions. Our software and processes are always improving, so you need to ask questions to keep up!

Sam is a Senior Loyalty Analyst at LoyaltyLion. He joined as LoyaltyLion’s first remote hire last March and has been developing his passion for both outbound sales processes and ecommerce ever since.

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About the author

Sam Platt

Sam is a Senior Loyalty Analyst at LoyaltyLion. He joined as LoyaltyLion's first remote hire last March and has been developing his passion for both outbound sales processes and ecommerce ever since.

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